Save time and effort with Impeccable preparation


Ensure that adequate budget and resources are allotted for PIM introduction or optimization. Remember that internal stakeholders must also be given enough time. A “we can manage that on the side” approach often leads to delays and unreliability.

In Detail

Defining PIM

Notions about what PIM means and what functions as a PIM system varies greatly from company to company. Some have dealt with it intensively, others are only vaguely familiar with it, while some have no idea. It is therefore important to develop a common definition of PIM that everyone involved understands and shares.

Substantive Goals

Define clear and specific goals for your PIM project. General statements such as “improve data quality” or “single source of truth” are too vague. Specific goals such as “connection to marketplace X” or “reduce translation costs per product to X euros: are better. This way, the success of the project can be made measurable.


Set specific timeframes for the implementation of functions and processes. If these targets are unrealistic, this can be discussed in advance. Acceptance of the project increases if milestones are reached in line with the customer’s expectations and progress is visible.


Define clear expectations for all parties involved, including yourself. Define what everyone’s role in the project is and what responsibilities are associated with it. This creates clarity and helps avoid misunderstanding and frustration.


Formulate your requirements in the form of user stories to avoid only optimizing current ways of working. User stories should reflect the business need and take the form: “As a [role], I want [goal/desier] so that [benefit].” Example: “As a marketing manager, I want to be able to update product information easily so that I can react quickly to market changes.”

System Landscape

Determine in which systems product information is created and used. Also include Excel liss, publications, and informal knowledge. A data flow diagram that shows how information passes between the systems and which systems are networked with each other is ideal.

Actual Process

Define the actual process for product data management before the PIM implementation. The complete process often only becomes clear during the project. Early consolidation saves time and helps establish all roles and tasks.

Target Process

Create a general picture of how you want to work in the future. Don’t go into too much detail, as many aspects can change during the PIM implementation. A flexible picture facilitates adjustments and further developments during the course of the project.

Budget and Resources

Ensure that adequate budget and resources are allotted for PIM introduction or optimization. Remember that internal stakeholders must also be given enough time. A “we can manage that on the side” approach often leads to delays and unreliability.


Each company has unique requirements, prerequisites, and data, which is why every PIM project must be approached individually. On behalf of Y1, I can offer you a customized solution and personally advise you. Get in touch by arranging an initial consultation.

Marc Kulow berät zu PIM-Lösungen, egal ob PIM-Integration, PIM-Upgrade oder allgemeines PIM-Projektmanagement.