First Things first

  • Selection based on a “system follows process follows strategy” approach
  • Success doesn’t depend on the system, but on a holistic concept
  • Platform-independent development and consulting


As a certified development partner for leading software providers, we develop innovative future-proof digital commerce platforms. In Content Management Systems, we fulfill brand- and content-driven requirements and combine these with commerce solutions used to create a smooth user experience.

A team of certified Cloud and DevOps consultants (AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform) also ensures the high-performance and secure operation of the developed solutions request.

We work in accordance with the highest standards at all times: every line of code is checked, every function and element of the solution thoroughly tested before it is delivered to our customers.


As part of the development phase, we prefer to manage resources, timelines, and budgets in an agile manner in collaboration with our customers. This involves a discussion between key stakeholders about the stage the implementation is at, which hurdles may still need to be overcome, and which requirements may have changed. In addition to the flexibility with which we react to any change, agile development also enables continuous development of the implemented solution throughout the ongoing learning process.


The interplay between various internal and external components is also essential for the successful development of a digital platform. Communication and exchange of data across different systems must always be ensured.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)

Product Information Management Systems (PIM)

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Marketing and Sales (CRM)

Payment Services

Cloud Infrastructure (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud)

Grafische Darstellung zum Umsatzwachstum bei Mytheresa - Magento-Shop erstellen mit Magento-Agentur Y1

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