Out of Excel Hell

Is your data in disarray? Are your employees overwhelmed? And you don’t know why? Y1’s PIM Health Check analyzes your PIM holistically offers direct solutions.

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PIM Health Checks Uncovers Potential

The topic of PIM (Product Information Management) has been relevant for 20 years. Initially, PIM was a PIM system implementation—with the migration of data and processes to a new system with PIM software and connection via interfaces. The early PIM systems did not yet have a full range of functions, and many requirements had to be programmed into the system first. All this led to rigid, unyielding PIM systems that were technically functional but no longer up to date. Today, PIM is particularly successful when data, processes, and systems are considered together comprehensively and coordinated. This is precisely what the PIM Health Check evaluates.

Inquire Now

Is Updating the Same as Changing the PIM System?

Not necessarily, because it is often possible to adapt the existing system if the data models and processes are correctly defined. Our PIM Health Check provides immediate clarity. You can find out quickly and easily whether your system landscape is up to the current challenges. Data quality and relevance of processes are also put to the test, as are all the other requirements that the PIM system should fulfill for you.

Infografik zum PIM Health Check: geprüfte PIM Komponenten - Datenqualität, Prozesse, Kosten, PIM-Systeme, die ein Roboter jongliert
Bottom-Up Top-Down 360º Analysis

Our established PIM Health Check approach takes a top-down view of the objectives and requirements. This allows us to perform a purely qualitative assessment. On the other hand, we take a bottom-up look at all the functions in terms of their necessity and performance.

Your Advantages at a Glance:

  • Expertise: We audit relevant PIM processes
  • 360º Analysis: Do the requirements and output match?
  • PIM Consulting: Processes, Data Quality, and System Selection
  • Cost Check: Upgrade vs new installation
  • Time-to-Market: Process planning and implementation
Infografik zum Prozess vom PIM Health Check: Tablet mit dem Logo des PIM-Checks zur Prüfung von Systemen, Datenqualität, Komponenten Infografik zum Prozess vom PIM Health Check: Tablet mit dem Logo des PIM-Checks zur Prüfung von Systemen, Datenqualität, Komponenten

Step by Step


In the initial meeting, we work on getting to know you and understanding what your goals are for the analysis. This is a top-down view of all aspects of PIM, i.e., how suitable the system landscape is in relation to PIM in terms of software, requirements, organization, etc.


For the second step, we carry out a bottom-up analysis using our catalog with hundreds of standard PIM functions, compare these with your PIM requirements, and then with the functional scope of the current software.


In the penultimate step, Y1’s expert PIM team creates a detailed report with a risk assessment, prioritization of tasks, and a cost-benefit framework. The aim is to set you up correctly for PIM in the future, either by optimizing the software or selecting a different system.


In the final step, we go over the results together, priorities are set, and the next steps are initiated. We guarantee a comprehensive expert analysis for this product, which we typically prepare within 10 working days.

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Clarifying the Scope of PIM


Each company has unique requirements, prerequisites, and data, which is why every PIM project must be approached individually. On behalf of Y1, I can offer you a customized solution and personally advise you. Get in touch by arranging an initial consultation.

Marc Kulow berät zu PIM-Lösungen, egal ob PIM-Integration, PIM-Upgrade oder allgemeines PIM-Projektmanagement.
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